EPA Assessor TrainingBrooks Building

Welcome and thank you chosing this opportunity for becoming the End Point Assessment (EPA) Assessor for Manchester Metropiltan University. We are excitied that you have joined the team and will be supporting our apprentices to complete their Masters in Advance Clinical Practice.

The Advanced Clinical Practice Master’s Degree Apprenticeship at Manchester Metropolitan University, is designed for experienced clinicians to develop expertise in their scope of practice.

“Advanced clinical practice is delivered by experienced, registered health and care practitioners. It is a level of practice characterised by a high level of autonomy and complex decision making. This is underpinned by a Master’s level award that encompasses the four pillars of clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research, with demonstration of core capabilities and area specific clinical competence.”
Definition of Advanced Clinical Practice (Health Education England, 2018)

All apprenticeships are assessed via the end-point assessment (EPA) whereby the final 20 credits of the master’s programme are reserved for a synoptic assessment that assesses apprentices across all aspects of the IfA standard. The EPA for this programme is integrated within the curriculum, ensuring that apprentices are successfully awarded the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Degree Apprenticeship.

The EPA ensures that the student has achieved the expected standards. All assessors need to understand the key behaviours that we are looking for in a candidate's EPA. This training session will present you with some sample questions and answers and ask you to highlight the key elements in the answers that demonstrate knowledge (or lack thereof) of the key behaviours and knowledge which would be expected of a Level 7 apprentice.

To begin the exercise, please enter your name in the box below and click Next when you are ready to continue.
Give your first and last name.

Privacy notice

Manchester Metropolitan University (‘the University’) is the Data Controller in respect of any personal data you submit via this form. Your name is used to identify your results when they are emailed to the academic responsible for this Apprenticeship.
The University relies upon the GDPR art 6(1)(f) ‘legitimate interest’ lawful basis to process your personal data for this purposes. We use email to deliver this survey and receive your feedback. We will not disclose the feedback you provide to any third parties.
We will retain your feedback data for a period of 3 years at which point we will either permanently dispose of your data or anonymise it so you can no longer be identified. For further information about the University’s retention and disposal arrangements please see our Retention and Disposal Schedule.
You have a range of rights in relation to your personal data, including: the right of access, to object, to restriction and to erasure. For further information about this privacy notice, the use of your data and to exercise any of your rights please contact: M.Walker@mmu.ac.uk in the first instance. You are also able to contact the University’s Data Protection Officer dataprotection@mmu.ac.uk e-mail address. Finally, you have the right to make a complaint about the way your personal data has been used with the Information Commissioner’s Office.